As a public speaker, I love the audience. But what I love more is getting to know the faces in the crowd and hearing their stories. I am a listener, a learner, and a story girl. Story is how I connect.
In addition to being a story girl, I’m also a party girl. My house is Celebration Central because being together matters to me.
I believe being together matters to God as well; that’s why I’m a church girl. I meet lots of women who are turned off by church. If that is you, don’t worry – you are safe here and you’ll be welcomed with grace and truth. That’s how Jesus welcomed me, with the truth of who I am and the grace to accept me anyway. I don’t have a dramatic story of being rescued out of dire circumstances. I just tried life without Jesus and it didn’t work.
I’m also a God girl and a Bible girl. I love God’s Word because it’s the story of how we were supposed to be, why life is such a mess, how Jesus coming made all the difference and how everything will be made right and just in the end. My friends tell me I have a gift for making complex things really simple and accessible which is the way I write about faith.
Lastly, I’m a Southern girl living happily in the Midwest. I have been married to Michael for 35+ years. Between major career changes and moves around the country, it’s been a grand adventure for sure; no one makes me laugh harder than he does. We have four nearly grown sons, one daughter-in-law, and are grandparents to identical twin girls and their baby sister!
As much as I love a crowd, I also love to be alone. I love to read, I love music, I love to walk my dog, and I love to pray. In the midst of life’s busy pace, I work at keeping some space for seeing God at work and watching for the divine in the ordinary.
I look forward to growing a community I’ll call the gatherers. Together we’ll explore life, faith, and all that it involves.
Looking forward to gathering with you!